Monday 11 May 2015

Library Society Sign Board Project II

Second part of the Sign Board Project organised by the Library Society is completed on 19th March 2015. The following places of the school covered under this project and cost was born by the Library Society Fund:

              Places Where Sign Boards fixed:

              1. ICT Laboratory 1
              2. ICT Laboratory 2
              3. Tamil Room
              4. Urdu Room
              5. Mathematics Department
              6. Chemistry Laboratory
              7. Physics Laboratory
              8. Biology Laboratory
              9. Sports Department
            10. Staff Room - Key Stage 2
            11. Staff Room - Key Stage 3
            12. Book Shop
            13. Guiding Room
            14. Scouts Room
            15. Career Guidance Unit

Sunday 10 May 2015

Library Society Office Bearers and Committee for 2015/2016



Teachers-in-charge:  Mrs. Geetha David (Librarian)
                                     Ms.  Anjalie Silva
                                     Mrs. Lushani Perera
                                     Ms.  Sujeeva de Alwis
                                     Mrs. Ruwandini Karunarathne

President:                               Anas Ashraf – Year 10G
Vice President:                       Kavindi Wattage – Year 10G
Secretary:                               Supunika Perera – Year 10B
Asst. Secretary:                      Muntazir Abbas - Year 10B
Treasurer:                              Ammar Nassir – Year 10G
Committee Representative:  Sohail Riaz – Year 10B


  •        Ahmed Hussam – 10G
  •       Nabeeha Mubeen – 9R
  •       Yoshitha Shockman – 9B
  •       Samathi Korala – 9G
  •       Sathsarani Perera – 8
  •        Harisma Naseer – 8B
  •        Nijad Makoon – 7B
  •       Vinomin Madurapperuma – 7B
  •       Abdul Hakam Fawzer – 7G
  •       Migara Rodrigo – 7G
  •       Amna Muqueet – 7R
  •       Luqman Zahir- 7R
  •       Nithini Perera – 7B
  •       Kavindhya Ridmi – 7B
  •       Viduni Piyasiri – 6B
  •       Deegayu Sakwithi – 6B
  •        Pamoda Samarahewa – 6G
  •        Ruchith Dolawatta – 5B
  •        Rishma Rizan – 5R
  •        Salma Yasir – 4G
                                                                     21st January 2015