Friday 13 June 2014

Library Society

With the noble objectives of distributing the light of knowledge and enhancing the interest in reading amongst the students the first ever Library Society of SLSM was formed in 24th September 2013. 

Inaugural Committee and Office Bearers of the 
SLSM Library Society

Office Bearers & Committee for the Academic Year 2014/2015

Seated 1st Row L-R:   Amna Muqeet, Deegayu Sakwithi, Ruchith Dolawatta, Viduni Piyasiri
Seated 2nd Row L-R: Dhrupad Barua (President), Ms. Anjalie Silva (Staff Advisor), Ms. Geetha 
                                   David (Teacher-in-charge), Ms. Lushani Perera (Staff Advisor/Treasurer),
Standing L-R:             Nijad Makoon, Seraj Noorhamith (Asst. Secretary), Sohail Riyaz, 
                                   Ms. Anisa Hamed (Staff Advisor), Supunika Perera (Committee Rep.),
                                   Kavindi Wattage, Sathsarani Perera

Teacher-in-charge:           Mrs. Geetha David

Staff Advisors:                   Miss. Anjalie Silva
                                          Mrs. Lushani Perera
                                          Miss. Anisha Hamed

President:                          Dhrupad Barua - 11G

Asst. Secretary:                 Seraj Noorhamith - 11B

Committee Rep.:               Supunika Perera - 9G

Committee:                       Ruchith Dolawatta - 4R
                                          Viduni Piyasiri - 5B
                                          Deegayu Sakwithi - 5G
                                          Amna Muqueet - 6B
                                          Nijad Makoon - 6G 
                                          Sathsarani Perera - 7B
                                          Kavindi Wattage - 9B
                                          Sohail Riyaz - 9B

1 comment:

SLSM Library and Resource Centre said...

Photo Credit goes to Ms. Thilini Gunaratne. Thank you Thilini teacher for your support at any time.